Look to neighbours
Gotic, contributory organization got grant from the resource of Fond micro-projects operation programme The Cross-border Cooperation Programme Slovak Republic - Czech Republic 2007-2013 for project " Look to neigbours", reg. number CZ/FMO.12/0324. Partner of project is Cultur and Information Centre of Town in Čadca.
This project is aimed at increasing the promotion and attractivities of region in czech-slovak borderland. With the increasing traffic we deal with deficit of promotional materials focused on both sides concurrently. There is lack of informations about the other side of border as from people who works for tourism - mainly employees from Info centres and employed one in recretaion centres. Then,It is logical, that people who live on the both sides of borders miss informations.Visitors and tourist can also miss main information about place where they are. Absence of information and motivation could cause, that tourist will stay in our region for shorter period of time: realization of project will provide so as the will stay longer.
Project is symbolically called " Look to neighbours". Main aim of this project is that implemented activities should rise an interest of inhabitants and tourists in cognition the other side of border. There have taken place activities in varied focus since October 2013 to September 2014, to gather as many persons as possible.
- promotional activities - publication of new prospect, which will offer you tracks in czech-slovak border leading to better cognizance of region. We will publish 3000 piecies in czech and 3000 piecies in slovak version.
- increasment of getting informed employers in info centres via practical cognition of region (tours), so as they could truthfully inform clients of IC and carry out another promotional activities.
- increasement aof interest about other side of border via handcrafts and regional traditions. There will take place manual workshops, which will be designed as a "taste of craft". Visitors or participants can on their own try doing old techniques. We are preparing event which is called " What is neighbour cooking ?". During this episode visitors can remind how to prepare traditional dishes and so on.
- Getting know neighbours from the other side of border during free time activities- will be organized 2 joint trips for public, which are going to be named " All together cross skiing and hiking". There will be also held two photo exhibitions. You will see another part of our region with eyes of young autors.
Provided subsidy: in amount of 85% = 12.498,40 EUR and total cost is 14.704 EUR.