Modern and efficient dissemination of information from the GOTIC
GOTIC, contributory organization recieved grant from the contribution of the Moravian-Silesian Region, program "RRC/02/2013 - support tourist informationc centres in Moravian-Silesian region for project "Modern and efficient dissemination of information from the GOTIC"
Project activities:
- Optimization and update of system, adjustment of the structure for cover clearer clarity, update of FB page, completion of other polish, czech, english texts, completion of individual records in language versions. Supplement of electronic version of propsects of MSK and other, links for survey of events.
- Actualization of information on website in the Visitor section (gastronomy and accommodation)
- Employers participation in IC trainings, which should develop their knowledge and skills for the IC job.
- Propagation of IC and bounded activities and use of QR codes - PR articles in the press, continuous press and posting posters + events in IC
- Fabrication of promotional materials - flyer with map about winter offer 2000 pcs, completed by QR codes, GPS and so on.
- Cooperation with Moravian-Silesian Region on promotional activities - distribution of prospects in MSK, promotion of projects and events in MS region, participation in fairs,action, actualiation of datas.
Duration of the project organization: march 2013 - december 2013
Project costs: all costs 75 000 kč,out of it 60 000 kč of grants