558 341 586
603 825 226

Opening Times:
Mon-Fri8:00 - 16:00Whole year
Sat8:30 - 14:30July - August
Sat, holidays8:30 - 12:30September - October & March - June
Sun, holidays8:30 - 12:30July - August
Sat, Sun, holidaysCLOSEDNovember - February
  • Gorol Tourist Information Centre
    Gorol Tourist Information Centre

    You are warmly invited to the annual ‘Gorol Days’, a festival where you can try out folk crafts and find out more about local products, customs and culture.

  • Mosty u Jablunkova
    Mosty u Jablunkova

    Mosty u Jablunkova can be found easily: It is situated at the very east part of the Czech republic, in the Moravian-Silesian region, bordering with three states-Czech republic, Poland and Slovakia.The town has around 4,000 inhabitants and extends over a length of 8 km.

  • A tour of the mountains – from chalet to chalet
    A tour of the mountains – from chalet to chalet

    The Mosty u Jablunkova area can boast a wide range of mountain chalets catering for hikers. We have chosen seven which you can visit:

    Gírová - 4 km
    Kamenná chata - 6 km
    Polanka - 4 km
    Severka - 5 km
    Skalka - 4 km
    Studeničný - 5 km
    Zuzana - 2 km
  • Stroll through history and view a wonder of nature: Šance and Megoňky
    Stroll through history and view a wonder of nature: Šance and Megoňky

    Why not take a trip along the Czech-Slovak border – see the historic Šance fortifications and marvel at the strange stone ‘balls’ in the Megoňky quarry.

  • The ‘Gorolszus’ tightrope ride at Mosty
    The ‘Gorolszus’ tightrope ride at Mosty

    Beautiful countryside, superb local specialities and an active way to relax for all the family. For all this and more, come to the Mosty Ski Centre, which is open all year round and offers both adrenaline sports and relaxing family activities.

  • Cycling holidays
    Cycling holidays

    The hills and mountains around Mosty u Jablunkova offer ideal conditions for trekking and mountain biking. There is a network of marked cycle paths leading up to the summits of local mountains, where chalets offer delicious refreshments.

Promotional Materials published by Moravian-Silesian Region

golf Golf in the Moravian-Silesian Region (2015) CZ+EN


100 _zazitku1000+1 experiences (2015) CZ


100 _zazitku 1000+1 experiences (2015) EN


100 _zazitku 1000+1 experiences (2015) RU


1000 i 1 dozivljaj-11000 and 1 doživljaj (r. 2015) RJ

folklor-a-tradice Gastronomy and folklore Moravia and Silesia (r.2015) - CZ-RJAJ-NJPL-IT

Cestuj a poznavej MSK 2014 Journey and learn Moravian-Silesian Region (2014) - CZ

MSK kucharka III  Regional cookbook recipes III (2013) - CZ

kucharka Regional cookbook recipes IV (2014) - CZ

Moravskoslezsk kraj letn mapa Moravian-Silesian Region summer map (2013) - first pagesecond page

beskydsk magistrla leto Beskydy Mountains – magistrála summer, first page, second page

MSK lazne  Spas with Flavour of Maravia and Silesia (2013) - CZ-RJ, ENG-GER, Pol-IT

MSK vodackypruvodce  Przewodnik dla żeglarzy (2013) - CZ, Pol

MSK Jesenickamagistrala-leto  Jeseníky - Magistrale summer (2013) - First page, Second page

MSK kucharka II  Regional cookbook recipes II (2012) - CZ

Beskydy Mountains Cross-Country Skiing 2012/2013 (2012) - First page, Second page

Jeseníky Mountains Cross-Country Skiing 2012/2013 (2012) - First page, Second page

 Duchovni dedictvi The spiritual heritage of Moravia and Silesia (2012) -  CZ+Pol, GER+IT,

The spiritual heritage of Moravia and Silesia (2012) - mobile guide download

Hipostezky Hippo trails (2012) - download

MKS pruvodce Moravian-Silesian Region travel guide (2012) - CZ - ENG - Pol

hradni cesta Castle Route (2012) - CZ + Pol + ENG, SK+Pol+ENG

morava bezky 2011 Cross-country skiing (2011) - CZ+Pol+GER

kucharka I Regional cookbook recipes I. (2011) - here

Beskydy Mountains Cross-Country Skiing 2011/12 - First page, Second page

Jeseníky Beskydy Mountains Cross-Country Skiing 2011/12 - First page, Second page

Beskydska magistrala zimni 2010 Beskydy - Magistrale winter, map (2010) - map, text

Beskydska magistrala letni 2010 Beskydy - Magistrale sommer, map (2010) - First page, Second page

cyklopruvodce 2010 Moravia and Silesia - bike guide (2010) - here

pesi turista 2009 Moravia and Silesia - tourist guide (2009) - here

nej vylety 2010 Best Trips Within The MS Region (2010) - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ, Pol, FR

top atraktivity 2010 Top tourist attractions (2010) - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ, Pol, FR

Kraj plny zazitku 2010 Moravian-Silesian region full of experiences (2010) - CZ, ENG, GER, Pol, RU

Kraj plny adrenalinu A region full of adrenaline - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ, Pol

golf 2008 Golf in our region (2008) - CZ, ENG

naucne stezky 2008 Nature trails Moravian-Silesian Region (2008) - here

mapa MSK 2009 Map of Moravian-Silesian Region (2009) - First page, Second page

 mapa kultur-atraktivit 2009 Map of cultural attractions (2009) - CZ, ENG+GER, Pol+RJ

Po stopach osobnosti In the footsteps of Personalities - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ, Pol

Region plny chuti 2008 Region flavors and experiences (2008) - here

Technicke atraktivity Technical attactions - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ, Pol

Muzea a galerie Museums and Galleries - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ

sjezdove-lyzovani 2009-10 Skiing 2009/2010 - CZ+Pol

Beskydy Mountains Cross-Country Skiing 2009/2010  - First pageSecond page

Jeseníky Mountains Cross-Country Skiing 2009/2010 First pageSecond page

tipy na vylety Tips for trips - here

Pobyt na venkove Specialities of Regional Cuisine - CZ, ENG, GER, Pol

top ski 2004 TOP SKI (2004) - CZ, ENG, GER, Pol 

historicke a kulturni perly 2008 Historical and cultural jewels (2008) - CZ, ENG, RJ, PJ

venkovska turistika 2004 Agrotourism (2004) - CZ, ENG, GER, Pol

MSK pro rodiny For families with children - CZ, ENG, GER, RJ, Pol, FR

Pruvodce nejkrasnejsi mista Guide to the most beautiful places - title page, contents

Photo Gallery

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Days with craft in the wooden cottage
Holiday Thursdays in the wooden cottage
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